Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Relax people

OK. It was a terrible night of baseball. But let's just relax. We can't expect Brian Lawrence to go on the road in Philly and win. If we were going to win that game last night it was about scoring more runs that the Phils and we simply didn't do that. Nothing more to analyze on that.

I know my partner in crime wants to win 6 of 7 against these 2 clubs but I am not asking for that at all. I don't need any proof of the kind of club we are. I don't need a big winning streak. What I need is to split this 4 game set with the Phils and then win 2 of 3 in Atlanta. That would insure us of losing no ground and knock another 6 games off the schedule. With the Braves and Phils facing each other 6 more times this season, there would not be much season left for either of them to make a run.

What I need is a division championship and homefield advantage throughout the NL playoffs and I don't care if we don't win 5 in a row all year long as long as we get that.

Let's forget about yesterday and focus on the next 6 games. Tonight would be a nice way to start.

Updated by Fink 12:35pm....

....that's an easy enough game to put behind me. but i will say this, schoenweiss does not make me feel any better about the bullpen and let's just pray we don't have to face any young unproven pitchers in meaningful games from here on out.

1 comment:

304 11 8 said...

Cooper...Why do we need home field advantage when we can't win at home??